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3 free AI contract reviews
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*In-app purchases available
*In-app purchases available
Everything in Free, plus:
10 AI reviews per month
Rare Clause Radar
AI Legal Assistant
Term Sheets
Compare tool
Insights tool
Standard playbooks
* Billed monthly
* Please contact sales for annual billing
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Everything in Scout, plus:
Custom AI review packages
Bulk Verified reviews
Contract Review Specialist
Customized Data Sharing
Discounted Certify™ License
* Billed monthly
* Billed yearly

All monthly plans include:

Fast setup
Public Contract Database
Human support
Trusted by the top organizations
Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers and general information quickly

Can I cancel any time?
Monthly subscribers cancel any time.

At TermScout, we understand that circumstances change, and our users may need to cancel their subscription at any time. That's why we offer an easy and hassle-free cancellation process. All monthly subscribers can cancel any time. We believe in putting our users first, and that means giving them the freedom to choose what works best for them. So, if you ever feel like canceling your subscription, rest assured that the process will be straightforward and stress-free. We value your business, and we're committed to making your experience with us a positive one, no matter what.

Can I add additional Scout Seats?
Yes. Each additional Scout seat is $49 per month.

Are you looking to create a collaborative environment for your team's contracting needs? Look no further than our Scout Plan. With the option to add additional users for just $49 per user per month, you can easily expand your team's reach while keeping everyone on the same page. Our goal is to provide a frictionless contracting experience, and that starts with seamless collaboration. Don't let communication barriers slow you down - upgrade to the Scout Plan and watch your team's productivity soar.

What are the benefits of an Enterprise Plan?
Best for teams of 3 or more.

Enterprises can now benefit from our robust and flexible solutions that cater to the needs of all businesses and organizations. Take advantage of our bulk pricing on AI-only and Verified reviews, and enjoy custom playbooks that are carefully curated to meet your specific criteria.

How long does and AI contract review take?
The average AI review takes 5-7 minutes.

With an AI review, you can expect to spend about 6 minutes (up to 10), the duration of which varies depending on the document's length and intricacy. But imagine all the things you can accomplish with those precious few extra minutes!

What enterprise customers already use TermScout?
IBM, Qualtrics, NetApp, and more!

At TermScout, we've had the privilege of serving great teams from companies like NetApp, IBM, Qualtrics, Automox, Freshworks, Techstars, and dozens of others. We not only have robust enterprise solutions, but now offer lightweight plans to smaller teams and individuals.

How much is Certify™?
Choose Basic, Pro, or Premium plan.
Contract Certification and Badge Assets
1 Certification and Asset
Not included* Contract Improvement Report (CIR)
1 per year Re-Review of Certified Contract
Read Only Platform Access
1 Scout Plan (# of users)
0/mo AI-Contract Review
Tier 3 Customer Support
Contract Certification and Badge Assets
1 Certification and Asset
Not included* Contract Improvement Report (CIR)
2 per year Re-Reviews of Certified Contract
Full Access Platform Access
3 Scout Plans (# of users)
25/mo AI-Contract Review
Tier 2 Customer Support
Contract Certification and Badge Assets
1 Certification and Asset
Included Contract Improvement Report (CIR)
4 per year Re-Reviews of Certified Contract
Full Access Platform Access
5 Scout Plans (# of users)
50/mo AI-Contract Review
Tier 1 Customer Support
*CIRs can be purchased separately for a one time fee
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